Confetti Soup USDA Recipe for Child Care Centers

Age Group: Ages 6-18
Serving Size: 25-50
This delicious recipe mixes together black-eyed peas, savory smoked turkey ham, fresh vegetables, and a secret ingredient, kale, to make up this warm, winter-wonder soup!
1 cup (8 fl oz ladle) provides:
Legume as Meat Alternate: 1½ oz equivalent meat/meat alternate and ¼ cup vegetable.
Legume as Vegetable: ½ oz equivalent meat and ½ cup vegetable.
Legume vegetable can be counted as either a meat alternate or as a legume vegetable but not as both simultaneously.
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  • Heat oil.
    For 25 servings, use a large stockpot.
    For 50 servings, use 1 roasting pan/square head pan (20⅞” x 17³⁄8” x 7”) on top of stove.
    Sauté onions and celery for 2-3 minutes or until tender.
  • Add carrots, salt, pepper, fennel, and crushed red pepper (optional). Sauté for an additional 2-3 minutes.
  • Add peas and water. Cook uncovered over medium heat for 20-25 minutes.
  • Add turkey ham and kale. Cook covered over low heat for an additional 10 minutes or until kale is tender.
    Critical Control Point: Heat to 165 °F or higher for at least 15 seconds.
  • Add parsley immediately before serving.
    Critical Control Point: Hold for hot service at 135 °F or higher.
  • Portion with 8 fl oz ladle (1 cup).


Nutrition Facts
Confetti Soup USDA Recipe for Child Care Centers
Amount Per Serving 1 cup (8 fl oz ladle)
Calories 94.09 Calories from Fat 25
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 2.83g4%
Saturated Fat 0.4g3%
Cholesterol 17.53mg6%
Sodium 487.58mg21%
Total Carbohydrate 10.39g3%
Dietary Fiber 2.55g11%
Protein 7.92g16%
Vitamin A 3033.33IU61%
Vitamin C 4.22mg5%
Calcium 34.8mg3%
Iron 1.26mg7%
*Marketing Guide
25 Servings:
Mature Onions: 1 lb 2 oz
Celery: 1 lb 2 oz
Carrots: 1 lb 2 oz
Kale: 2½ oz
Parsley: ¾ oz
50 Servings:
Mature Onions: 2 lb 4 oz
Celery: 2 lb 4 oz
Carrots: 2 lb 4 oz
Kale: 5 oz
Parsley: 1½ oz


*See Marketing Guide for purchasing information on foods that will change during preparation or when a variation of the ingredient is available.
Cooking time increases if frozen black-eyed peas are used. Cook until peas are soft.
Yield / Volume
25 Servings:
About 12 lb
About 1 gal 2 qt
50 Servings:
About 23 lb
About 3 gal